Living Conditions
The Living Conditions issue draws a picture of nations that are committed to provide their residents with decent living conditions; the foundation for safety and well-being for all and at all ages. An adequate standard of living implies making the human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Among other factors, citizens are provided with secure access to drinking water, hygiene & sanitation, clean energy, appropriate housing and safe transportation – all designed with respect for the environment. The Living Conditions issue relates to the Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7 and 11.
To measure the state of this issue, four publicly available indicators serve as proxies: access to electricity (EPI, 2014) representing the percentage of population with secure access to electricity sources and services, access to improved drinking water (EPI, 2014) that reflects the percentage of the population using an improved drinking water source, safe sanitation (SSI, 2014) measuring the number of people with sustainable access to improved sanitation, and road safety (SPI, 2015) that estimates the number of the road traffic fatal injuries.
0 - 5.0 | A THREAT | 5.1 - 6.6 | CRITICAL | 6.7 - 7.4 | WATCHLIST | 7.5 - 8.8 | SAFE SPACE | 8.9 - 10 | TOWARDS IDEAL |
Map Living Conditions
Afghanistan | Indian Subcontinent | Least developed countries | 3.4 | 144 |
Albania | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 7.9 | 65 |
Algeria | Northern Africa | Developing regions | 7.5 | 73 |
Andorra | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 179 | |
Angola | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 3.6 | 139 |
Antigua and Barbuda | Central America | Developing regions | 8.0 | 64 |
Argentina | South America | Developing regions | 8.5 | 50 |
Armenia | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.3 | 56 |
Australia | Australasia (Oceania) | Developed regions | 9.6 | 15 |
Austria | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 19 |
Azerbaijan | Middle East | Developing regions | 6.9 | 91 |
Bahamas | Central America | Developing regions | 7.5 | 77 |
Bahrain | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.9 | 37 |
Bangladesh | Indian Subcontinent | Least developed countries | 5.4 | 120 |
Barbados | Central America | Developing regions | 9.2 | 29 |
Belarus | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 8.8 | 42 |
Belgium | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.5 | 22 |
Belize | Central America | Developing regions | 7.5 | 74 |
Benin | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.6 | 156 |
Bhutan | Indian Subcontinent | Least developed countries | 6.3 | 105 |
Bolivia | South America | Developing regions | 5.4 | 119 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 8.4 | 51 |
Botswana | Southern Africa | Developing regions | 5.5 | 118 |
Brazil | South America | Developing regions | 7.3 | 80 |
Brunei | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 8.7 | 48 |
Bulgaria | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 9.1 | 30 |
Burkina Faso | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.2 | 169 |
Burundi | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 3.0 | 148 |
Cabo Verde | Western Africa | Developing regions | 5.0 | 126 |
Cambodia | South-East Asia | Least developed countries | 3.5 | 143 |
Cameroon | Middle Africa | Developing regions | 4.1 | 134 |
Canada | North America | Developed regions | 9.5 | 23 |
Central African Republic (CAR) | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 2.7 | 153 |
Chad | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 1.2 | 178 |
Chile | South America | Developing regions | 8.7 | 47 |
China | Eastern Asia | Developing regions | 6.5 | 98 |
Colombia | South America | Developing regions | 7.2 | 85 |
Comoros | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 5.0 | 127 |
Costa Rica | Central America | Developing regions | 8.1 | 62 |
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Cost) | Western Africa | Developing regions | 3.9 | 136 |
Croatia | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 8.8 | 44 |
Cuba | Central America | Developing regions | 8.1 | 61 |
Cyprus | Middle East | Developing regions | 9.5 | 21 |
Czech Republic | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 9.4 | 26 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 2.5 | 162 |
Denmark | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.7 | 9 |
Djibouti | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 4.9 | 128 |
Dominica | Central America | Developing regions | 7.3 | 82 |
Dominican Republic | Central America | Developing regions | 5.2 | 124 |
Ecuador | South America | Developing regions | 6.5 | 100 |
Egypt | Northern Africa | Developing regions | 8.8 | 45 |
El Salvador | Central America | Developing regions | 6.2 | 107 |
Equatorial Guinea | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 1.8 | 175 |
Eritrea | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.2 | 170 |
Estonia | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.0 | 35 |
Ethiopia | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.7 | 154 |
Fiji | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 5.9 | 112 |
Finland | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.7 | 12 |
France | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 17 |
Gabon | Middle Africa | Developing regions | 5.1 | 125 |
Gambia | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 4.6 | 130 |
Georgia | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.2 | 59 |
Germany | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.7 | 9 |
Ghana | Western Africa | Developing regions | 3.9 | 137 |
Greece | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.1 | 32 |
Grenada | Central America | Developing regions | 7.1 | 86 |
Guatemala | Central America | Developing regions | 7.5 | 78 |
Guinea | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.8 | 152 |
Guinea-Bissau | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.9 | 149 |
Guyana | South America | Developing regions | 6.2 | 109 |
Haiti | Central America | Least developed countries | 2.4 | 163 |
Honduras | Central America | Developing regions | 6.4 | 104 |
Hungary | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 9.4 | 24 |
Iceland | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.8 | 2 |
India | Indian Subcontinent | Developing regions | 5.3 | 123 |
Indonesia | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 6.0 | 110 |
Iran | Indian Subcontinent | Developing regions | 6.5 | 99 |
Iraq | Middle East | Developing regions | 5.9 | 113 |
Ireland | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 18 |
Israel | Middle East | Developing regions | 9.7 | 9 |
Italy | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 20 |
Jamaica | Central America | Developing regions | 7.3 | 79 |
Japan | Eastern Asia | Developed regions | 9.7 | 13 |
Jordan | Middle East | Developing regions | 7.6 | 72 |
Kazakhstan | Central Asia | Developing regions | 7.5 | 75 |
Kenya | Eastern Africa | Developing regions | 2.8 | 151 |
Kiribati | Australasia (Oceania) | Least developed countries | 3.5 | 141 |
Kosovo | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 179 | |
Kuwait | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.4 | 53 |
Kyrgyzstan | Central Asia | Developing regions | 7.1 | 87 |
Laos | South-East Asia | Least developed countries | 4.9 | 129 |
Latvia | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 8.2 | 58 |
Lebanon | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.6 | 49 |
Lesotho | Southern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.3 | 167 |
Liberia | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.4 | 165 |
Libya | Northern Africa | Developing regions | 6.8 | 93 |
Liechtenstein | Western Europe | Developed regions | 179 | |
Lithuania | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 7.8 | 66 |
Luxembourg | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 16 |
Macedonia | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.1 | 34 |
Madagascar | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.2 | 171 |
Malawi | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.6 | 159 |
Malaysia | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 8.1 | 63 |
Maldives | Indian Subcontinent | Developing regions | 179 | |
Mali | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.4 | 164 |
Malta | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.8 | 5 |
Marshall Islands | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 179 | |
Mauritania | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.0 | 172 |
Mauritius | Eastern Africa | Developing regions | 8.8 | 40 |
Mexico | Central America | Developing regions | 7.6 | 70 |
Micronesia | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 179 | |
Moldova | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 7.8 | 67 |
Monaco | Western Europe | Developed regions | 179 | |
Mongolia | Eastern Asia | Developing regions | 5.8 | 114 |
Montenegro | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 8.2 | 60 |
Morocco | Northern Africa | Developing regions | 6.5 | 102 |
Mozambique | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.4 | 166 |
Myanmar (Burma) | South-East Asia | Least developed countries | 5.5 | 117 |
Namibia | Southern Africa | Developing regions | 4.1 | 135 |
Nauru | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 179 | |
Nepal | Indian Subcontinent | Least developed countries | 5.3 | 122 |
Netherlands | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.8 | 6 |
New Zealand | Australasia (Oceania) | Developed regions | 9.4 | 24 |
Nicaragua | Central America | Developing regions | 5.3 | 121 |
Niger | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 1.6 | 176 |
Nigeria | Western Africa | Developing regions | 2.6 | 157 |
North Korea | Eastern Asia | Developing regions | 179 | |
Norway | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.7 | 7 |
Oman | Middle East | Developing regions | 6.6 | 97 |
Pakistan | Indian Subcontinent | Developing regions | 6.0 | 111 |
Palau | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 5.7 | 115 |
Palestine | Middle East | Developing regions | 179 | |
Panama | Central America | Developing regions | 7.0 | 90 |
Papua New Guinea | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 2.6 | 158 |
Paraguay | South America | Developing regions | 6.5 | 101 |
Peru | South America | Developing regions | 6.3 | 106 |
Philippines | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 7.1 | 88 |
Poland | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 8.3 | 55 |
Portugal | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.1 | 31 |
Qatar | Middle East | Developing regions | 9.0 | 36 |
Republic of the Congo | Middle Africa | Developing regions | 3.2 | 146 |
Romania | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 7.1 | 89 |
Russia | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 7.3 | 83 |
Rwanda | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 3.5 | 140 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Central America | Developing regions | 179 | |
Saint Lucia | Central America | Developing regions | 179 | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Central America | Developing regions | 179 | |
Samoa | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 179 | |
San Marino | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 179 | |
Sao Tome and Principe | Middle Africa | Least developed countries | 179 | |
Saudi Arabia | Middle East | Developing regions | 7.5 | 76 |
Senegal | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 4.5 | 132 |
Serbia | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.1 | 33 |
Seychelles | Eastern Africa | Developing regions | 4.6 | 131 |
Sierra Leone | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.0 | 173 |
Singapore | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 8.7 | 46 |
Slovakia | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 9.4 | 27 |
Slovenia | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.3 | 28 |
Solomon Islands | Australasia (Oceania) | Least developed countries | 2.3 | 168 |
Somalia | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 1.5 | 177 |
South Africa | Southern Africa | Developing regions | 5.6 | 116 |
South Korea | Eastern Asia | Developing regions | 8.2 | 57 |
South Sudan | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 179 | |
Spain | Southern Europe | Developed regions | 9.6 | 14 |
Sri Lanka | Indian Subcontinent | Developing regions | 7.3 | 81 |
Sudan | Northern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.5 | 161 |
Suriname | South America | Developing regions | 6.6 | 95 |
Swaziland | Southern Africa | Developing regions | 3.2 | 147 |
Sweden | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.8 | 3 |
Switzerland | Western Europe | Developed regions | 9.7 | 7 |
Syria | Middle East | Developing regions | 6.8 | 92 |
Taiwan | Eastern Asia | Developing regions | 10 | 1 |
Tajikistan | Central Asia | Developing regions | 6.6 | 96 |
Tanzania | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 1.9 | 174 |
Thailand | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 6.5 | 103 |
Timor-Leste | South-East Asia | Least developed countries | 3.5 | 142 |
Togo | Western Africa | Least developed countries | 2.7 | 155 |
Tonga | Australasia (Oceania) | Developing regions | 8.9 | 38 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Central America | Developing regions | 7.6 | 71 |
Tunisia | Northern Africa | Developing regions | 7.7 | 69 |
Turkey | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.9 | 39 |
Turkmenistan | Central Asia | Developing regions | 7.3 | 84 |
Tuvalu | Australasia (Oceania) | Least developed countries | 179 | |
Uganda | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.5 | 160 |
Ukraine | Eastern Europe | Developed regions | 8.3 | 54 |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) | Middle East | Developing regions | 8.8 | 41 |
United Kingdom (UK) | Northern Europe | Developed regions | 9.8 | 4 |
United States of America (USA) | North America | Developed regions | 8.8 | 43 |
Uruguay | South America | Developing regions | 8.4 | 52 |
Uzbekistan | Central Asia | Developing regions | 7.7 | 68 |
Vanuatu | Australasia (Oceania) | Least developed countries | 3.4 | 145 |
Venezuela | South America | Developing regions | 6.2 | 108 |
Vietnam | South-East Asia | Developing regions | 6.7 | 94 |
Yemen | Middle East | Least developed countries | 3.7 | 138 |
Zambia | Eastern Africa | Least developed countries | 2.9 | 150 |
Zimbabwe | Eastern Africa | Developing regions | 4.2 | 133 |